PE foam performs many protection functions including: cushioning, abrasion resistance, interleaving, surface protection. Thicker foams may also be used for blocking and bracing during shipment.
Flexible and resilient material that is easy to use and re-use.
Foam thickness: 1/32 in. (0.03125")
Dimensions: 6' x 2000'
Split: Every 24" (2 feet)
Perforated: Every 12" (1 foot)
Recommended Use:
- Primary applications include cushioning and wrapping.
- Flexible to conform around odd shapes for quick, easy wrapping
Product Features:
- Tear resistant – great for items with sharp edges
- High cushioning and compression strength
- Minimizes shock and vibration during transport
- Non-abrasive to surfaces
- Light weight packaging alternative - less fuel consumed in transit.
- 100% Recyclable
Available in a variety thicknesses. Options include anti-static, laminated and as sheets, pouches or on rolls.
Note: Photodegradable - Exposure to UV sunlight breaks down polypropylene.
Case Description:
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Contact Dacotah Paper for Pricing 800-323-7583