FEBREZE® Professional Sanitizing Fabric Refresher-6/32oz

Soft surfaces that can’t be washed, such as mattresses and upholstered furniture, are harbors for harmful bacteria, mold and mildew. Febreze Professional Sanitizing Fabric Refresher gives you the same freshening power of Febreze PLUS the soft surface sanitization your environment needs. Proprietary technology goes to the source of odors and fights them. A light, fresh scent is left behind to leave the treated area smelling fresh and clean. Safe for virtually all fabrics. Febreze Sanitizing Fabric Refresher sanitizes and kills 99.9% of bacteria** on soft surfaces. It also prevents mold growth* on soft surfaces for up to 14 days.


Procter & Gamble
Case Description: 
Manufacturer Code: 
Product SKU: PH0730
Contact Dacotah Paper for Pricing 800-323-7583