Georgia Pacific ActiveAire® Breezy Linen Powered Whole-Room Freshener Refill *Discontinued*

This product has been discontinued without a sub item. Please contact customer service for more information.


The GP PRO ActiveAire™ product line is a 360º approach to battle odor, the second most frequent restroom complaint. Try the Award-Winning motion activated ActiveAire® Freshener Dispenser for Compact®, one of our ActiveAire® Whole-Room Freshener Dispensers and our ActiveAire™ Deodorizer Urinal Screens. With a range of matching clean, fresh scents available across the entire product line you can be confident your restrooms will provide a consistent and more welcoming experience for everyone.

Provides freshness for at least 30 days.

Compliant for VOC content with applicable federal and state regulations. No liquids or sprays are used.

Breezy Linen: Fresh, crisp and airy, a scent that summons clean sheets drying on a clothesline.

This refill fits dispenser  GP5357

Case Description: 
Manufacturer Code: 
Product SKU: GP8283
Contact Dacotah Paper for Pricing 800-323-7583